Trademark - Fiwin Legal Consultancy & Certification LLP


Now apply for your trademark from your place quickly and easily.

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    How Online Trademark Works?

    • Trademark Search

      We do a thorough check in Trademark directory before applying.

    • Trademark Search

      Consult on classes that are applicable as per your services.

    • Trademark Search

      You will be notified regularly about status till .

    What is a Trademark?

    A trademark is a differentiating mark consists of a combination of words, symbols, or colors used to represent goods and services. It is popularly known as trade identifiers. Forex, Xerox is a trademark for photocopying machines & Apple is a trademark for Apple computers.

    What can be a registered trademark?
    How to Identify a Trademark and Registered Mark?

    A trademark is a differentiating mark consists of a combination of words, symbols, or colors used to represent goods and services. It is popularly known as trade identifiers. Forex, Xerox is a trademark for photocopying machines & Apple is a trademark for Apple computers.

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      Who can obtain a trademark?

      Individual, Joint Owners, LLP, Trust or Society, Proprietorship Firm, Partnership Firm.

      Advantages of Trademark

      Sole Rights

      The registration of a trademark gives you the right to use the registered trademark and indicate so by using R next to your brand.

      Legal Protection

      The owner has the power to take legal action in case their registered trademark is being by any entity/individual/company.

      Distinguishes Product

      Registering a trademark gives you a opportunity to grab your customers, ensuring competitors will not use your registered trademark.

      Assets Creation

      Registering a TM owns a license that can be sell, assigned, franchised, commercially contracted.

      Global Trademark Reg.

      Expanding your business internationally with a trademark registered in India is a benefit.

      Sole Rights

      The  of a trademark gives you the right to use the registered trademark and indicate so by using R next to your brand.


      Legal Protection

      The owner has the power to take legal action in case their registered trademark is being by any entity/individual/company.


      Distinguishes Product

      Registering a trademark gives you a opportunity to grab your customers, ensuring competitors will not use your registered trademark.


      Assets Creation

      Registering a TM owns a license that can be sell, assigned, franchised, commercially contracted.


      Global Trademark Reg.

      Expanding your business internationally with a trademark registered in India is a benefit.


      Goodwill and Trust

      By getting a trademark you build goodwill and build trust in your customers.

      Trademark Process

      Step 1

      Trademark Search Online

      Step 2

      Filing of Trademark Application Form

      Step 3

      Issue of Examination Report

      Step 4

      Advertisement in Trademark Journal

      Step 5

      Trademark Registration

      Step 1

      Trademark Search Online

      Step 2

      Filing of Trademark Application Form

      Step 3

      Issue of Examination Report

      Step 4

      Advertisement in Trademark Journal

      Step 5


      Documents Required For Trademark

      Documents required For trademark registration​

      Proprietorship Private Limited Partnership/LLP
      Brand/Logo/Slogan Name Brand/Logo/Slogan Name Brand/Logo/Slogan Name
      Aadhar Card of Proprietor Aadhar Card of 1 Director Aadhar Card of Partners
      Bank Details Bank Details of 1 Director Bank Details of Partners
      Power of Attorney Incorporation Certificate Partner KYC
      Goods & Services Description Goods & Services Description Goods & Services Description

      How to select a Trademark?

      • If it is a word it should be easy to speak, spell and remember.
      • The best trade marks are invented words or coined words.
      • Please avoid selection of a geographical name. No one can have monopoly right on it.
      • Avoid adopting laudatory word or words that describe the quality of goods (such as best, perfect, super etc)
      • If it is a word it should be easy to speak, spell and remember.
      • It is advisable to conduct a market survey and a search at Trademark office to ascertain if same/similar mark is used in market

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Basically a trademark is a brand or a logo that you use to distinguish your product from those of your competitors. The term Trademark is the legal term for “intellectual property”.

      Trademark is a legal procedure provided under the Trade Marks Act, 1999. Through trademark or you can say logo brand , you can protect your brand or logo by restricting other people from using the same.

      A phrase, word, symbol, device, or even color are all eligible for a trademark. Anything that distinguishes the goods of your party or company from another qualifies. However, the item must be used in a commercial setting to obtain protection from the law. Trademarks have a 10-year protection span.

      Trademark searches refer to any action taken for the purpose of determining whether and/or a trademark is used in commerce. Trademark searches can be narrow in scope or can include results from every avenue for trademark protection for every mark is remotely similar to the mark that is the subject of the search. An appropriate search strategy will consider the nature of the mark, the nature of the goods/services the mark covers, the timeline for bringing the mark to commerce, and the applicant’s allocation of resources